Blessed Assurance

May 21, 2018

“I tell you the truth, those who listen to my message and believe in God who sent me have eternal life. They will never be condemned for their sins, but they have already passed from death into life.” – John 5:24

In our sports crazy world, we like to see our favorite teams play on live television. Since most of us live busy lives which pull us in different directions, this isn’t always possible. It could be a family obligation or  an unexpected work commitment that competes for the same time slot as our beloved college or professional team. Thanks to the amazing world of technology, it’s very likely that you can watch those games in the comfort of your own home at a later time. Usually when this happens I already know the outcome of the game. If the desired outcome was not what I hoped for, I usually don’t even take the time to watch. But, if my team won, I can relax and watch the game without getting worked up over mistakes, near misses or blown calls by the officials. I already know the outcome and my team wins!

Jesus gives us that same assurance about living for eternity in heaven. What does it take for us to live forever with God? Jesus, in John 5:24 says, “eternal life begins when you accept Him (Jesus Christ) as Savior.” At that very moment a new life begins in us. It’s a done deal, game over! We’ll never have to worry about the outcome of our soul. Each of us will still have to face a physical death on this earth, but when Jesus comes back to get us, our bodies will be resurrected to live with Him forever. The Bible says it and I believe it—Jesus has already won!

Heavenly Father, thank You for the assurance of eternal life. Take away my doubt and help me to share Your love with those I come in contact with today. Amen.    

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