A Helping Hand

November 2, 2020

“As iron sharpens  iron, so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend.”
– Proverbs 27:17 (ESV)


In his research, Dr. Jeff Duke of 3Dimensional Coaching Institute, has found the average survival rate of a coach is 3.2 years. In a time when quality coaches are needed more than ever, why are they leaving the profession so quickly? The answers are not hard to find. All coaches and especially new coaches, are confronted with tremendous challenges: demand on personal time and family; stress and burnout; balancing the classroom with coaching; parent and community relations; player attitudes and discipline; budget constraints and job security are at the top of the list. As these issues force men and women to leave careers they prepared for and love, an even bigger question must be asked. Is there anything that can be done to keep them? I believe there is!

Every coach I know could use some encouragement and guidance on a regular basis. The Bible tells us we need a friend, and we also need to be a friend. What if, as coaches, we took Proverbs 27:17 to another level and were intentional about supporting one another? What could happen when two coaching friends brought their ideas together and helped one another in dealing with and overcoming the many coaching challenges we encounter every day? What if two coaches cared enough to challenge each other without involving egos in the discussion? For the seasoned coach, is there a young coach you could reach out to and build a relationship with? For the rookie coach, is there a veteran coach you could reach out to for guidance in your personal and professional growth? Coaching is truly a calling and I don’t believe we were created to walk the journey alone. What are you waiting for? Give another coach a helping hand.

Heavenly Father, thank You for the wisdom of Your Word. Remove my sinful desire to make my own way as I face today’s challenges. Bring people into my life who will guide me and encourage me. Help me to be that kind of person for someone else today. Amen.

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