A Worthy Example

October 22, 2024

 “For I have given you an example that you
also should do just as I have done to you.”
– John 13:15 (ESV)

“I hope when people think of their interactions with me, they first think of Jesus.” These words spoken by long-time National Football League (NFL) wide receiver and special teams player Matthew Slater reveal a great deal about one of the league’s most respected players. In a 16-year career with the New England Patriots, Slater modeled what it means to be a man of godly character. Now coaching with the Patriots, Slater considers his greatest earthly influence to be his Hall of Fame father Jackie Slater, an offensive lineman, who played in the NFL for 19 seasons. A young Matthew Slater observed and absorbed all he could from his father about the value of hard work, sacrifice and what it takes to excel. Matthew Slater also embraced his faith and committed himself to living out his love for Jesus Christ. He watched teammates model what it means to be an authentic follower of Christ and challenged himself to do the same.

Jesus repeatedly taught the disciples to follow His example during His three-year ministry. After washing the feet of the disciples, Jesus began to explain the meaning of what He had done. Like teachers often do, Jesus first asked a question. “Do you understand what I have done to you?” He went on to tell them that the highest level of power in the Kingdom is to serve. If their Lord and Teacher had washed the disciple’s feet, what excuse could they possibly have for not washing the feet of others? Jesus was using the example of washing feet to tell the disciples that it is important to have constant fellowship with other believers. It is critical to lovingly challenge our brothers if we observe them growing worldly or cold in the faith.  The Lord had given the disciples and each of us an important example to follow.  It is not enough to simply know about humility and unselfishness. We must put them into practice each and every day.

Heavenly Father, thank You for the example of Your Son, Jesus Christ. Help me to demonstrate godly character in my walk today. Teach me the value of serving others with humility and love. In the name of Jesus I pray, Amen.

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