Be Thankful

November 20, 2017

“And whatever you do or say, do it as a representative of the Lord Jesus,
giving thanks through him to God the Father.”
– Colossians 3:17

As another season comes to a close, I am thankful. I’m thankful to have the opportunity to do something I love and am passionate about. It has been said that if you do something you love, you’ll never have to work a day in your life. Don’t get me wrong, coaches work and we work hard, but if we stay in the profession for any length of time, we don’t consider it a job. I’m thankful to  have a family who sees the value of what I do and gives me much needed support and encouragement. I’m thankful for my coaching brothers and sisters with whom I share this journey. We may not always agree, but we have a kindred spirit. I’m thankful for the athletes entrusted to my care. I need them as much as they need me. I’m thankful for teachers and administrators who see sports as a valuable part of the education process. Sports teach life lessons that can’t be learned anywhere else.  I’m thankful for a God who has wired me to coach and equipped me to see this opportunity as a ministry to serve others.

God has us right where He wants us. Wherever that may be and in whatever role we serve, it’s not an accident. We may not fully understand or appreciate it, but He has a divine purpose. As representatives of Jesus, we are to honor and glorify His name in all we do regardless of our circumstances. Yes, that’s hard to do and sometimes it hurts. Our God promises He is not only with us in the moment, but the best is yet to come. Be thankful and know God keeps His promises. Happy Thanksgiving.

Heavenly Father, thank You for Your many blessings. Whatever my situation, help me to understand that Your plan is perfect. Amen.

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