Coach Ed Thomas

September 24, 2012

“I have told you these things so that in Me you may have peace. You will have suffering in this world.

Be courageous! I have conquered the world.” – John 16:33 (Holman Christian Standard)

As coaches, we know about trouble. For coaches, trouble can come inmany forms, an undisciplined athlete, an unfair referee, a difficult parent or an unreasonable principal. Trouble seems to come with the territory.Why is it that some people focus on the opportunity that trouble brings, while others focus on the problem? I want to recommend a great book for coaches and anyone who has experienced trouble in their life. The Sacred Acre, by Mark Tabb, tells theincredible story of Coach Ed Thomas of Parkersburg, Iowa. Ona Sunday in May, 2008, an F5 tornado struck the towndestroying 250 homes and businesses in 35 seconds. The next day, Coach Thomas made an unbelievable prediction: “God willing, we will play our first home game here on this field this season.” One hundred days later,the Falcons won on the field they called “the Sacred Acre”, and inspired a town to come together to rebuild theravagedcommunity. This powerful story is a testimony of how one man’s attitude led others to taketrouble and turn it on its head. A devastatingsecond tragedy leaves an example foreach of us to follow.

Jesus teaches us a great deal about troubles. He warns us that life is not easy, difficulty and suffering come with the territory. “You will have suffereing,”Jesus told his disciples. Like a wonderful friend, Jesus does not leave usto battle our troubles alone. He invites us to experience the peace of His presence.”I will never leave you or forsake you”, Jesus promises. With that promise, Jesusoffers us the choice to walk in our troubles alone or in peace with Him. Like the church sign says, “Know Jesus, Know Peace, No Jesus, No Peace”.

Father, I admit that I don’t like when trouble comes my way, but I am grateful that You gave Your Son so I could experience peace in the middle of my trouble. Swallow me up in your peace as I submit to walking with You. In Jesus name I live and pray. Amen.

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