
October 14, 2019

“Therefore, all who are mature should think this way. And if you think differently about anything, God will reveal this to you also. In any case, we should live up to whatever (truth) we have attained. Join in imitating me, brothers, and observe those who live according to the example you have in us.”
– Philippians 3:15-17


There is nothing quite like game day! The scouting has been done, a game plan has been prepared and there is no more time to practice. Coaches and athletes are united, it’s crunch time! It’s time to put on the equipment, trust in what we have learned and get into action. Everyone has a role to play and each person is focused on executing their role. Regardless of how prepared we are, games usually don’t go as planned. Adversity comes, and we are faced with the decision of staying committed to the game plan or going in another direction. Experience and maturity are needed to prevent panic. A hasty decision can determine the outcome of the game.

The Apostle Paul encouraged followers of Jesus to stay committed, and he urged Christians to be imitators of his walk. While this may seem rather bold, Paul’s life following his conversion was a model of devotion to Jesus Christ. Paul was willing to suffer and die for Jesus, and he wants others to have that same level of commitment. This is tough to swallow, but Paul says we must not wait until we understand all of God’s plan. We must live up to what we do understand and trust Him to give us the rest in His time. To take up our cross daily requires maturity and dedication. Sure it’s tough, but if we hold nothing back and keep pressing on, God will help us get through our challenges. Don’t ever give up on His game plan.

Lord, help me stick to Your game plan even when the times are tough. Keep me focused today on the truths I understand. Give me the strength to take up my cross each day. Amen.

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