
April 15, 2024

“Then He called His disciples together and gave them power and authority over demons, and to cure diseases. He sent them to preach the kingdom of God and to heal the sick.” – Luke 9:1-2

John Maxwell, best selling author, speaker and coach has often been called the country’s best leadership authority. His unique insight on leadership has influenced millions as they have developed their own leadership styles. Speaking to the topic of delegation, he said, “If you want to do a few small things right, do them yourself. If you want to do great things and make a big impact, learn to delegate.” I must confess that in my early years of coaching and athletic administration, I tried to do too much on my own. I had difficulty with delegation and most of the problems centered on personal pride. I did not trust nor train those under my authority to do the job. In the process, it became “my” objective rather than “our” objective. Yes, a few things got done, but so much more could have been accomplished if I had molded the staff into a trusted team.

Jesus knew that the success of the mission depended on sharing the workload with a team. He realized the importance of developing people as He shared the work. Not only did Jesus have the power and authority to accomplish the task, He gave it to His twelve trusted disciples. Too often leaders “dump” burdens on their team. They are primarily concerned with getting the job off their plate so they can move on to more important tasks. This approach can be very demoralizing to those receiving the work. Jesus “developed” his disciples. He prepared leaders who shared the work and learned on-the-job. They were given the opportunity to practice the principles Jesus had taught them. Discipleship is a key component to growing in faith. We grow in maturity and faith as we strive to become more like Jesus. Who is helping you mature in Christ? Who are you helping to mature in Christ?

Heavenly Father, remove my selfish pride as a leader. In my role as a leader today, help me to trust others, to train them for the work to be done and to turn the results over to You. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen. 

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