Don’t Be Ashamed!

January 8, 2018

“For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is
God’s power for salvation to everyone who believes,
first to the Jew, and also to the Greek.” – Romans 1:16

Do you remember receiving your first letterman jacket? What a proud day that was! Mine was simple in design. The bold letters “D-O” on the chest  represented the name of my high school and my football number was sewn on the upper left sleeve. Some jackets today turn an athlete into a “walking billboard” of their athletic achievements. It’s funny as I think back on my first letterman jacket. I received it after finishing an 0-9 football season my junior year. Even though we had a lousy football season, I was proud of that jacket and proud of the hard work I had put in to earn it. The idea of being ashamed never crossed my mind. I believed in what that jacket represented—work, commitment, and being part of something bigger than myself.

Do you remember the moment you surrendered your life to Jesus Christ? For me, it happened in a college dorm room-just me and Jesus. No loud music or altar calls. It was exciting and frightening at the same time. With the passing of time, I was proud of the changes God was making in my life. I was growing and understanding the hard work and sacrifice it takes to walk as a follower of Christ. There were times I messed up and made poor decisions. There were also times I failed to proclaim my faith in the company of others. How could I share my faith when I felt so inadequate? How could I boast about Jesus and be so messed up? Regularly looking at the Cross allowed me to focus. It’s not about what I’ve done, it’s about who I serve. That Cross represents work, commitment and something bigger than self. Jesus is the Good News! Everyone needs it. Don’t ever be ashamed to share it.

Heavenly Father, may I always be excited about Your gospel. Help me today to boldly proclaim Your love. Amen.

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