– John 6:10 (Holman Christian Starndard)

In John 6:1-15, Jesus gives us an incredible example of doing much with little, as he feeds the 5,000 with a couple of fish and five loaves of bread. The boy shows up with everything he has and offers it to Jesus with great expectation. Jesus replies as only He can and says, “That’s enough”! As His skeptical disciples look on, Jesus not only feds the 5,000, He has twelve baskets left over. He fed them all! What do you have to offer? Jesus wants us
to know that what we have is important. It might not be much, but when we give it to the Master Coach, He can perform miracles. A little in the hands of God can be transformed into something beyond our imagination. The world is hungry for His Word and Truth. Are we willing to give it all to Jesus?
Heavenly Father, thank you for those who believe. Thank you for taking what we have and showing us that in Your hands, it’s enough. Help us to always feed the hungry, in both body and spirit. Amen.