God is All In

June 30, 2014

“And whatever you do, in word, or in deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus,
giving thanks to God the Father through Him.”

1 Corinthians 3:17

“All In”. That simple two-word phrase is the battle cry of all athletes that are willing to go do whatever it takes to achieve greatness. Athletes that go “All In” are fully committed to a singular goal. They will make personal sacrifices to maximize their potential. They will put in extra practice time and place complete trust in the coach. And during competition, athletes that are “All In” will give everything they have—diving for loose balls, outhustling the opponent, fighting through pain and adversity, staying focused regardless of any distractions—in order to obtain the prize. As athletes and coaches, we often allow our self-worth to get wrapped up in our performance. We buy into the lie that we are only as good as our last hit, our last goal, our last birdie, our last touchdown, our last win or however our sport measures success.

But long before humans began competing against each other in this thing we call “sport”, God went “All In” for us. He created the universe and this place we call home. He lovingly crafted us in His image and gave us a purpose that runs much deeper than our accomplishments and far outweighs our failures. God’s love has nothing to do with our performance and everything to do with our existence. We have value because we are His creation. From the beginning of time until this very moment, God has always gone “All In” for you!

Father, thank You for being an “All In” God. Thank You for loving me so much, that You would send Your Son to die for my sins, allowing me the opportunity to spend eternity with You. Teach me to be “All In” for You. Amen.

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