Hard Headed

March 23, 2015

He who ignores discipline despises himself, but whoever heeds correction
gains understanding.”
– Proverbs 15:32

An officer in the navy had dreamed from childhood of commanding a great battleship one day. He finally achieved his dream and was given commission of the newest and proudest ship in the fleet. One stormy night, the captain was on duty on the bridge when he spotted a strange light rapidly closing with his own vessel. As his ship plowed through the giant waves, the light rose and fell just above the horizon of the sea. He ordered his signalman to flash a message to the unidentified craft on his port side, “Alter your course ten degrees to the south.” Within seconds a reply came, “Alter your course ten degrees to the north.” Determined that his ship would never take a backseat to any other, the captain snapped a second order, “Alter your course ten degrees—I am the CAPTAIN! The response was beamed back, “Alter your course ten degrees—I am Seaman Third Class Smith.” By this time the light was growing even brighter and larger. Infuriated, the captain grabbed the signal light and personally signaled, “Alter your course, I am a battleship.” The reply came just as quickly, “Alter your course, I am a LIGHTHOUSE!”

What a great story for us as coaches. It’s easy for us to become hard-headed and stubborn. After all, we are in charge and we know the direction we need to be going. Too often, we get caught up in our passion for the job and neglect the advice and counsel of others. As we see it, the situation requires more determination and persistence. In truth, we may actually need a better understanding and perspective of the situation. Proverbs 15:32 reminds us that when we fail to listen to godly instruction we are heading for danger. Stubbornness and ignorance can easily shipwreck our plans as well as our careers. God wants what is best for us, not only should we seek His counsel, we should follow it.

Heavenly Father, You are the great counselor. Teach me Your ways. Strip me of my pride and self-centeredness. Give me the wisdom and desire to follow You. Amen.


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