must not be like that among you. On the contrary, whoever wants to become great
among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first among you must
your slave; just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve,
to give His life –a ransom for many.
Matthew 20:26-28
(Holman Christian Standard)

of my DNA. The little hand-written sign in my dad’s office flashed like neon
when I walked in every day. It read, “Don’t worry about the credit, just
get the job done!” You just gotta love linemen. Coaches know
that football games are won and lost in the trenches, yet to the average
fan, linemen are just over sized guys that get in the way of the running backs
and receivers. Why would anyone WANT to be a lineman, what motivates
them? Merlin Olsen, a Hall of Fame lineman in the NFL once said,
“Football linemen are motivated by a more complicated self-determined series
of factors than the simple fear of humiliation in the public gaze, which is the
emotion that galvanizes the backs and receivers.” From that very statement
you can tell linemen are intelligent. They are also tenacious, relentless and
stubborn. With little visible reward or public recognition, they SERVE
their team.
A little of the “lineman mentality” would serve us well in
our faith journey as well. Like Jesus’ disciples, we spend too much
time and effort trying to be the greatest. How often are we like the
running back or receiver who upon entering the end zone, thrusts the ball in the
air and breaks into his personal version of a touchdown celebration. Look at
me, look what I did for Jesus! Christ said things are different in
His kingdom– greatness is defined by service. The life of Jesus can be
summed up in two words — serve and give. A humble King who was born
in a manger and died on a cross for you and me. Are we worried about looking
good and receiving the credit or just getting the job done? Are we tenacious,
relentless and stubborn when it comes to serving and sharing our love of Jesus
Christ with others?
Jesus, this serving thing is hard. I
struggle daily with the “me first” mentality. I confess my selfishness. Help
me to see through Your eyes the ways I can serve my team. I want to be consumed
to serve. Amen.