Jesus is All In

July 14, 2014


Mike Singletary had it all. He was living the dream as one of the premier defensive players in the NFL. He was making a lot of money. He was even blessed with a wonderful family. And to top it off, Singletary won a Super Bowl ring with the legendary 1985 Chicago Bears. But Singletary was very frustrated and angry immediately following that momentous occasion. Although he had accepted Christ at a young age, he had not yet truly surrendered his heart to the Lord. And the harsh reality was finally setting in. “I was almost depressed after the Super Bowl because I was trying to figure out why I wasn’t happy. And as I began to look at it, I began to understand that the Lord was calling me to a higher call. At that time I was lukewarm. I was a Christian around Christians and I was somebody else on the football field. I was somebody else at home. The Lord was calling me out and allowing me to see myself for who I was. God was saying, ‘You need to walk with me or get away from me.’”

When an athlete is passionate about his or her sport, they will do whatever it takes to be the best they can be. They will put the same full effort into practice and training as they do into competition. They will sacrifice other wants and desires in order to achieve their goals. It’s that same sense of purpose that serves as the driving force behind how we as Christians should prioritize our lives. The more passionate we are about Jesus, the more we will put into our spiritual discipline and the more seriously we will take our call to share the Gospel with others. As we discover God’s purpose for us, we are able to give our lives fully to Him. There’s no better example of having priorities line up than in the life of Christ. He sacrificed everything He had in order to fulfill God’s plan. And Jesus is “All In” for us. He loves us and sacrificed his life in order to have a relationship with us.

Thank You Jesus for being an “All In” Savior. You died an agonizing death on the Cross for me. Fill me Lord with a passion to be “All In” for You. Amen.

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