Just Do It!

November 26, 2018

“Devote yourselves to prayer, stay alert in it with thanksgiving.”
– Colossians 4:2


Nike’s “Just Do It” slogan will be remembered as one of the greatest taglines in advertising history. The slogan cut across every demographic line and attracted attention in ways company leaders never imagined. It was simple, concise and easy to remember. It was a universal slogan that didn’t connect with a specific sport or product. “Just Do It” was open to interpretation, and people adapted it to fit their situation. The slogan was not limited to sports and fitness; it was often connected to personal goals like starting a business, proposing marriage or getting out of a bad relationship. As a result of the slogan’s effectiveness, the Nike brand reached new heights.

The Apostle Paul never grew weary of coaching us on the merits of being diligent in our prayer-life. I’ve heard it said that one of our biggest regrets upon reaching heaven will be that we didn’t spend more time in prayer. Only then will we realize the extent to which our prayers were answered. There is a great deal of mystery, and an element of the unknown, connected to prayer. How do we do it? How long do we do it? What are the right words to say? Rather than spending countless time and energy trying to answer those questions, we probably are best served by remembering the Nike slogan, “Just Do It!” We are called to pray with sincerity, persistence and thanksgiving. God will take care of the rest. His love wants the best for us. His wisdom knows the best for us, and His power get the best for us.

Heavenly Father, thank You for hearing our prayers. Teach us Father not to worry needlessly over how to talk with You, but to just do it. May we be relentless in our efforts and always thankful with the results. Amen.

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