
September 9, 2019

“Marriage must be respected by all, the marriage bed kept undefiled, because God
will judge immoral people and adulterers.”
– Hebrews 13:4

As coaches, we have a lot on our minds. Our lives are a never-ending merry-go-round of duties and responsibilities. Everyone and everything seems to vie for our time and attention. We can easily feel as though we’re living double lives as we attempt to balance career and family. It will come as no surprise that the biggest struggle facing coaches is the area of marriage and family. We often laugh and say we are married to whatever sport we coach. When a new season begins, we tell our spouse we’ll see them when the season is over. I remember some challenging conversations with my wife as we discussed the strain of my coaching three sports and how to get the kids where they needed to be. Juggling a career we love with a spouse and family we love is difficult. Where are the answers to the tough questions we face in finding the proper balance?

Hearing what God has to say is a good place to start. The Bible says we are to honor marriage. Giving honor and respect to our marriage will take all the effort and conviction we can find. Society today continues to redefine the family and the new definitions are often far from what God’s Word teaches. God calls us to keep our marriage joyful and strong. We are to be faithful to our spouse in body and mind. We are to pray for our spouse and we are even instructed to pray for the eventual spouses of our children. And finally, we are to model and teach our children the biblical meaning of marriage. None of this is easy, but God will guide us and He will honor our commitment.

Heavenly Father, make my marriage strong. Keep me faithful. Continue to teach me Your ways and protect me from the ways of the world. Amen.

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