
March 5, 2018

“I see everything you’re doing for me. Impressive!
The love and the faith, the service and persistence.
Yes, very impressive! You get better at it every day.”
–Revelation 2:19 (The Message)

Athletes come in all shapes and sizes. Some are naturally gifted and others are simply willing to outwork their competition. If I asked you to think of the world’s greatest athletes, Scott Hamilton’s name probably would not be on your list. Some might even ask, “Who is Scott Hamilton?” At the age of two, Hamilton was diagnosed with an unknown illness that caused him to stop growing. Through hard work and persistence, Hamilton overcame physical adversity to become a World Champion figure skater. At the height of his career, Hamilton competed weighing only 108 pounds and measuring 5’4” in height. In 1981 he won the World Figure Skating Championships. He won gold again in 1982 and 1983 at the U.S. and World Championships and won the gold medal at the 1984 Olympics. After winning gold in the 1984 World Championships, Hamilton turned pro.

Facing and overcoming obstacles is something Hamilton has done all of his life. In 1997, he battled testicular cancer and won. Between 2004 and 2016, Hamilton faced brain cancer three times. Each time, he met the challenge head on and credits God for bringing him through. Hamilton is a Christian and has spoken about his faith saying, “I understand that through a strong relationship with Jesus you can endure anything. God is there to guide you through the tough spots. God was there every single time, every single time.” In athletics and in life, God loves those who are persistent. When we persist as an athlete, we go as far as out talent will take us. When we persist as a follower of Jesus Christ, He will take us to new and unimaginable places that reveal His grace and love.

Heavenly Father, thank You for Your persistent love for me. Help me today to be the best person I can be and to be persistent in my desire to know You better. Amen.

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