
October 28, 2013

But we are not those who back down and are destroyed,
but those who have faith and obtain life.
– Hebrews 10:39 (Holman Christian Standard)

There is something special about athletes and teams who refuse to quit. What is it that motivates them and drives them to keep going despite the odds? What makes them so persistent in the pursuit of their goals? There is a powerful story of a high school football team in California. Nineteen athletes and a coaching staff that are overcoming great challenges every day. A high school football team made up of players who share something in common, they are all deaf. As we listen to their stories, we feel their passion to be accepted and treated like anyone else. We cheer their persistence and celebrate their success. We also see strength in what others might perceive as weakness. We see determined young men who refuse to back down and be destroyed. They are RELENTLESS!

Isn’t that the approach we all should take? Doesn’t living a life for Jesus Christ call for us to be unyielding and relentless in everything we do? We need to be reminded that fear does not come from God. As men and women of faith, we are called to move forward despite the challenges. We must remember that in Christ all things are possible. Like these amazing young men in California, we too are called to be RELENTLESS!

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