Spiritual Training

July 17, 2017

The training of the body has a limited benefit,
but godliness is beneficial in every way.
– 1 Timothy 3:8

I never want to take my physical health for granted. Genetics and diet play a major role in our overall health, but I know I have to work at it too. A trip to the local gym can be eye-opening. There are treadmills, stationary bikes, free weights and machines for every muscle of the body. People spend hours moving from station to station attempting to get in shape or stay in shape. Now this is not bad, working out on a regular basis has some benefits. You get to hang out with friends and make new ones. Being at the gym is certainly better than vegetating on the couch with a bag of chips. Just having the discipline to get to the gym is a positive. Now I admire people who are motivated to keep themselves physically fit because it takes a positive attitude, hard work and time. But it hit me one day that having big biceps or great endurance is not enough. We must also work on developing our spiritual muscles.

Paul speaks clearly on the subject. He tells us that while the benefits of training our bodies is good, those benefits are short lived. We need to work just as hard training to be godly. Godliness is putting aside our worldly passions and focusing on doing the things that have eternal benefit. Godly pursuits aren’t temporary, they keep giving until the end of time and beyond. We can build the muscles of godliness by mentoring someone, going on a mission trip, keeping the nursery at church or writing a weekly devotion for coaches. Let’s think about where we are spending our time, we only have so much of it. Make it count for eternity.

Heavenly Father, help me to use my time wisely today. Show me how to develop my spiritual muscles in new and exciting ways as I serve you. Amen.

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