
November 5, 2012

“For as the body is one and has many parts, and all the parts of that body,

though many, are one body — so also is Christ.”

— 1 Corinthians 12:12 (Holman Christian Standard)

Have you ever been guilty of trying to coach “single-handedly”? If you have, you know from experience that it’s not the most efficient or effective way to get things done. As a young head coach, I had the attitude that if it was going to get done the way I wanted it done, I had to do it myself. Looking back, it’s not too hard for me to see a little pride and ego in my methods. I wanted to prove that I was capable of getting the job done. Little did I realize that not only was I wearing myself out, I was also denying my coaching staff the opportunity to grow and develop their own coaching skills. As I matured, I began to understand that trying to do things by myself would always limit the scope of what could be done and make me old at an early age.

In 1 Corinthians 12:12, Paul is reminding us that we need each other. Yes, we can accomplish great things with the gifts God has given us, but we can do so much more if we connect our gifts with the gifts of others. When the people of God come together as a TEAM, watch out! There is something about a common goal that naturally connects people. this is true in athletics, business, church and ministry. We might call it having “good chemistry”. What actually happens is we stop thinking about ourselves and start thinking about how we can get the job done. We stop trying to do it all and simply begin to do our part. God intended for us to be unified. Regardless of where God has us, He has others ready to join the team as we pursue our common goal. Don’t make the mistake of trying to run the race by yourself.

Lord, forgive me for trying to do it all by myself. Take away my pride and selfishness. Teach me to depend on You in all things. Thank you for the teammates You put beside me and help me to trust them in accomplishing the things You have called us to do. Amen.

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