– Jeremiah 23:4 (ESV)
While the world may not see the shepherd as very important, God sees it differently. Good shepherds protect and care for their sheep. They take their job seriously because they realize that God has placed them in this position of responsibility. It’s not happenstance or a coincidence that the shepherd is called to perform his task. The Bible says that God “appoints” shepherds. Appointments usually come after careful consideration of one’s qualifications and aptitude for the job. There are often many candidates who apply, but only the select few are chosen. As coaches, I think God wants us to see and understand the importance of the “appointment” He has given us. Wherever we find ourselves serving, He has placed us there. To the best of our ability, we are to look after and protect the sheep He has placed in our care. We will be held accountable.
Lord, thank You for calling me to shepherd Your flock. Give me wisdom and strength today as I go about the tasks You have appointed me to. Amen.