
December 30, 2024

“I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.”
– 2 Timothy 4:7 (ESV)

Brett Bollweg is a third-year head football coach at Whitefish High School in Montana. When asked what he considered the biggest challenge for young athletes today, he responded, “To know that they have value that is so much greater than sports.” The world bombards athletes with the idea that who they are is determined by what they do on the field or court. Athletes can go from “hero” to “zero” in a matter of minutes. How can we prepare our players for these moments when they come? Athletes need someone speaking real life into them daily. More importantly, young people need someone modeling Jesus and guiding them in the life God has given them to run. They need to know that the race they are running is not won or lost on the field, but in their hearts.

Using athletic imagery, which he often does, Paul states, “I have fought the good fight.” Some have objected to Paul’s statement claiming that it is prideful. But there does not appear to be any reference to personal glory here. Paul is simply saying that as his life draws to a close, he has completed the course God has called him to run. He is cheering Timothy on! Paul’s race is nearly complete, Timothy is just beginning to hit his stride. You can almost hear him saying in his coach’s voice, “You can do it” and “I believe in you!” Who is that special coach who was a Paul in your life? Are there athletes you work with who need you to be a Paul in their life? Are you modeling the life of Jesus in the daily race God has called you to run?

Heavenly Father, thank You for the race You have given me to run. Help me to keep my eyes focused on You and not the things that the world says are important. Give me the strength to run and not grow weary. Open the door for me to become a Paul to that Timothy you have placed in my sphere of influence. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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