Watch Your Mouth

May 11, 2015

“There is one who speaks rashly, like a piercing sword;
but the tongue of the wise brings healing.”

– Proverbs 12:18

Words are powerful, they have the power to build up or tear down. As coaches, the words we use to communicate with others say a great deal about our own character. Steve Alford played basketball under the legendary Bobby Knight at Indiana University. He had this to say about Knight’s language. “The worst part was the profanity. I knew the words, but had never heard them in such abundance and with so much fury behind them. It was like a punch in the stomach.”

Profanity is not appropriate in any situation. It is a lazy way of trying to get our point across and shows that we have a very limited vocabulary. Proverbs 12:18 says that our tongues can be like swords, slashing away at others, cutting and causing great pain. When we use profanity, gossip, brag, or talk without thinking first, we do not honor God. We are to hold our tongues and guard our lips. Our silence can keep us from embarrassing ourselves and may even make others think we are smarter than we really are. The kinds of words we use is OUR choice! If they are not encouraging and lifting others up, some changes need to be made. Ask God for forgiveness and commit to using words that are pleasant, healing and soaked with love. You will like the difference and others will too.

Heavenly Father, teach me the power of my words and thoughts. May they always be pleasing to You and honor You in every way. Amen.



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