You Are What You Think

February 20, 2017

“And now brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right,
and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worth of praise.”

– Philippians 4:8

Coaches are very busy people! How often do we find ourselves jumping from one thing to the next in a frantic attempt to keep up? It’s very easy to find ourselves just reacting to everything around us rather than taking the time to think things through. In his book, Who Wants to Be a Champion?, Pat Williams states that champions must find time to think. According to Williams, champions think (1) positive thoughts; (2) correct thoughts; (3) big thoughts; (4) pure thoughts; and (5) unique thoughts.

The Bible teaches us that we can control what we think. God’s Word says we can’t have evil thoughts and thoughts about the Lord Jesus at the same time. The Apostle Paul gives us some advice regarding our own thought life. What things do followers of Jesus Christ think about? Everything that is true, noble, just, pure, lovely, of good report, virtuous, and praiseworthy. We are all called to think! A pure thought life is key for spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical health. Our challenge is to look at ourselves honestly. Do you need to get rid of any “stinking thinking?” You can start today.

Heavenly Father, guide my thoughts today. Help me to think through each decision wisely and to keep my focus on You. Amen.

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