A Coach’s Influence

February 19, 2018

“When the shepherd walks ahead of them,
they will follow him because they hear his voice.”
– John 10:4

(Taken from A Coach’s Influence—Beyond the Game by Coach Grant Teaff)

Coaching is a very special position. Coaches are granted the opportunity to use the practice fields and courts as extended classrooms for teaching life’s lessons because of the very nature of the games. Coaches, now more than ever before, have the chance to be a positive influence in today’s society. Coaches are in a unique position to teach values and develop positive character qualities in their players. However, a coach’s greatest influence is not so much in what he teaches, but in how his players recognize what he teaches in the way he lives his life.

A Coach’s Influence

I dreamed a dream, but I had my doubts.

“You can do it,” he said.

“I’ll teach you how.”

I tried and tried, he said I should.

I gave it my best, he knew I would.

Lessons taught on the field of strife, have been invaluable, as I’ve faced life.

When challenges come my way, I always think, what would I say?

His inspiring words I hear even now, “You can do it.”

“I taught you how.”

Now, others dream, and have their doubts, I say, “You can do it, I’ll teach you how.”

Heavenly Father, help me today to be a positive influence to others, not through my words, but through the way I live my life. Amen.

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