Be Wise

September 30, 2019

“A fool’s way is right in his own eyes, but whoever listens to council is wise.”
– Proverbs 12:15

I was in my first year as a head coach and wanted to do things the right way. However, the varsity player was testing my patience. He was consistently late for practice and I wasn’t going to stand for it. I let him know he wasn’t being fair to his teammates. I also said he wasn’t committed as a player. This went on for about a week, but the situation wasn’t getting any better. I was about to kick him off the team when one of his teammates pulled me aside and told me what was really going on. He lived with his single mom and she had to have the only car to get to and from work. He was late to practice because his only means of transportation was to either walk or try his best to catch a ride. I was humbled and a more than a little embarrassed. I had been so focused on my agenda and doing things my way, that I hadn’t bothered to get to the root of the problem or ask how I might help resolve it.

Proverbs 12:15 tells us you can’t tell a fool anything. He knows it all and he’s not going to listen, but a wise man will welcome advice. He may even do something as amazing as ask for it. The wise man also recognizes it’s impossible for one person to see all sides of a question or situation. Instead of making hasty or irrational decisions, the wise man will take the time to gather all the facts from all possible sources. Simple concept, yet profound.

Heavenly Father, all wisdom comes from you. Teach me the ways of the wise and save me from my own foolishness. Amen.

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