Being in the Present

August 29, 2022

“This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.”
– Psalm 118:24

Somewhere today, champions are being built. While some wish to be great, others are putting in the hard work. Summer for most means no class, vacation, part-time jobs or just hanging out with friends. Slow down, relax, enjoy yourself. There is not necessarily anything wrong with that, but for athletes and coaches who want to be champions, it means something entirely different. Early morning workouts in the weight room and on the field or court. Attending clinics to learn new techniques and strategies. Two-week vacations crammed into one week, so everyone gets some time off. Champions are built when no one on the outside is looking. They are built when no bands are playing, no cheerleaders are cheering, and no fans are in the stands. The results of last season have faded in the rear-view mirror and only today counts. One more set of stadium steps. One more route to build chemistry between quarterback and receiver. One more word of encouragement to that athlete who you desperately need to be a leader. Today is all you have, and you are going to squeeze everything out of it you can.

No matter how young or old we are, no one really has more than the present moment. Today, right now, is what we have, and we must decide what we want to do with it. We will never have this time again. Too often we choose to live in the past wasting our valuable present. The past is the past and it is gone. Let it go! Focus your energy and resources on the present. Use today to make yourself a better you. Use today to make a new friend or encourage an old one. Get rid of a bad habit and start believing. Stop blaming and start encouraging. Stop putting things off and start doing. Start living the way God wants you to live—with richness, with purpose, with boundless energy and with unlimited love.

Father, thank You for this day. Help me to see that this very moment is a gift from You. Let me be joyful and delight in it. Amen.

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