Classic or Clunker

November 6, 2023

“Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the
Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God?
You are not your own, for you were bought with a price.
So glorify God in your body.
– 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 (ESV)

What if you could buy any car you wanted? Let’s say you decided on a Ferrari—how would you treat it? My guess is that you would clean it every day; keep it tuned properly; and burn only the best fuel. Using the proper fuel in an expensive sports car is important. A Ferrari requires a certain burning ratio to the fuel and if abused over time, the engine will suffer a loss of power and a shorter lifespan. Which do you thing is worth more—a Ferrari or your own body? Do you think you’re worth the time and energy it takes to keep your body running at a high level? Think of your body as treasure. Taking care of our body usually allows us to run more efficiently each day and it could result in a longer lifespan . You may also find that others are treating you better. When we take care of ourselves, we send a message to others that our health and physical condition are a priority in our lives.

What does the engine that God gave you need? First, it needs proper rest. Rest relieves stress, recharges our energy sources and improves our mental awareness. Second, we need exercise. Exercise helps improve our mental attitude and reduces stress. This allows us to rest better. Third, we need to pay attention to the fuel we’re putting into our engine. Fast food and junk food aren’t what our human engines need to run efficiently. Balanced meals and better eating habits will make you feel, look and think better. God gave us our bodies and the Holy Spirit live there. We’re commanded to take care of ourselves. God says, “We are not our own.” It’s not up to us to take our bodies and use them any way we want. We must treat our bodies as a temple or holy place. If God has made our body to perform like a Ferrari, we should not treat it like a used car.

“Heavenly Father, help me to remember that one of my greatest gifts is good health. Give me the discipline and strength to take care of my temple is a way that will glorify You. In Jesus name. Amen.

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