
November 28, 2016

“Commit yourself to instruction;
listen carefully to words of knowledge.”
– Proverbs 23:12

A great deal of our time as coaches is spent giving instructions. Day after day we teach, reinforce, and test our athletes in the skills of sport. We give chalk talks, run drills and simulate game situations to prepare our team for competition. We expect our athletes to listen, learn and demonstrate the instructions we give them. While the ability to listen is important, I have learned that “coachable” athletes tend to be more successful. The coachable athlete doesn’t just listen, they seek knowledge. They want to get better and are open to any and all instruction that will help them achieve their goals.

Let’s take a moment to look in the mirror. How coachable are you? In the arena of athletics and in life, the people most likely to gain knowledge are those who are willing to listen. Those who take success to a higher level seek knowledge. They believe paying attention to what others have to say is a sign of strength, not weakness. People who are eager to listen continue to learn and grow though-out their lives. If we refuse to become set in our ways, we can always expand the limits of our knowledge. Ask God to make you more coachable, not only in your profession, but in your family life and in your relationship with Jesus Christ.

Lord, help me to be a better listener today. Help me to seek out others who can make me a better coach and person. May I be a seeker of your wisdom and knowledge today and every day. Amen.

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