
February 14, 2022

“I therefore, a prisoner for the Lord, urge you to walk
in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called,
with all humility and greatness, with patience,
bearing with one another in love, eager to maintain
the unity of Spirit in the bond of peace.”
– Ephesians 4:1-3 (ESV)

A glance in the rear-view mirror of my life would clearly reveal many “crossroad” moments. The fact that God gives us so many choices is exciting, but it can also be a little scary. I wish I could say that I have always made the best choices in my life, but I haven’t. As a young coach, professional decisions were all too often based on worldly things like money or climbing the career ladder. I can even remember a time when I was willing to do just about anything to escape the situation, I found myself in. I was completely exhausted and overwhelmed! I prayed a little, but my life was consumed by frustration and stress. Though I professed to be a Christian, I wasn’t willing to wait on God or to fully trust in Him to guide my steps. The result wasn’t very pretty. I spent two years in a career wilderness trying to get myself back on track.

Nearly thirty years later, that experience is still very painful to think about. Yet, without a doubt, I believe God allowed me to go through that crossroads moment in order to build up my trust in Him and to prepare me for the road He wanted me to travel. My love for athletics and my calling to coach never changed, but my purpose did. All that we do should honor God and bring glory to His name. He wants us to make our crossroads choices based on that fact. With that understanding, my relationship with Jesus grew and I trusted Him more and more. As we step out in new directions, God promises that He will always be with us, supporting us. However, the choice is still ours.

Heavenly Father, thank You for the crossroad moments You have brought me to and through. With each passing day, may I know You better and trust You more. Amen.

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