
June 13, 2016

“The father of godly children has cause for joy.
What a pleasure to have children who are wise.”
– Proverbs 23:24

I am the father of two fine sons. 
When the youngest left home for college, my wife and I entered a new phase in our lives.  The “empty nest” was a reality and I would be lying if I said I didn’t miss them.  After years of adjusting schedules, attending ball games and constant “action”, it was quiet.  Too quiet!  I often found myself thinking about their “growing up” years and all the times we spent playing catch, pretending to score the game winning touchdown and just enjoying each other’s company.  Where did the time go?  Sometime, in our moments of reflection, we need a good laugh and I found it in this story from Chicken Soup for the Sports Fan’s Soul.

During the 1966-1967 football season, Green Bay Packer quarterback, Bart Starr had a little incentive scheme going with his oldest son.  For every perfect paper that Bart Jr. brought home from school, his dad gave him ten cents.  After one particular rough game in which Bart Sr. felt he had performed poorly, he returned home weary and battered late at night after a long plan ride.  But he couldn’t help feeling better when he went to his bedroom.  There attached to his pillow was a note that read, “Dear Dad, I thought you played a great game.  Love Bart.”  Taped to the note were two dimes!  As coaches, it’s easy to let our schedules squeeze our children out.  One day, we will wake up to the reality that they are gone.  The time goes faster than you think.  Make time for your family, especially your children.  Take time to play together, laugh together and to tell them you love them.  HAPPY FATHER’S DAY!

Heavenly Father, thank you for the gift of being a dad.  Help me to remember that they are mine for a little while, but they are yours for eternity.  Help me to make my family a priority today.  Amen. 

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