Hi Mom

May 11, 2020

“She opens her mouth with wisdom and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue.”
– Proverbs 31:26

Hi Mom! I’m thinking about you today, but the truth is, I think about you every day. I know every little boy didn’t have a mom like you, but I sure wish they had. How you loved me and made me feel special. Some of my most cherished memories connect you with my love for sports. I’m so thankful you never enforced the “no playing ball” rule inside our house. If you ever got frustrated with me bouncing a tennis ball off the wall or a basketball on the floor, you never mentioned it. You didn’t even flinch when I broke the overhead light on my backswing with a 9 iron. We just made the necessary repairs and moved on. You helped me develop my mathematics skills by teaching me how to calculate the batting averages of my favorite players using long division. As an elementary student, you got me out of school early so we could watch my favorite team play an afternoon World Series baseball game. You were always there for my games, you treated my injuries, and you were my biggest fan.

Mothers play a unique and significant role in God’s plan for this world. In Isaiah 66:13, our Heavenly Father compares His love for us to that of a mother. He says, “As one whom his mother comforts, so will I comfort you.” My mom was always there to comfort me when life didn’t make much sense or to get me back on track when my poor choices knocked me off course. She let me make mistakes, and I made quite a few, but she continued to speak wisdom into me each and every day. This example taught me a great deal about my God, who also let’s me make my own mistakes. But just like Mom, God is always there to help me pick up the pieces and put my life back together. Proverbs 31:28 says this about mothers, “Her children rise up and call her blessed.” Without a doubt, I know that to be true. Thanks Mom for being a blessing to me as I grew and matured as a man. Thank you for modeling the love of a God who also wants to bless me and be my biggest fan.

Heavenly Father, thank You for moms. Help me to love You and others like a mother loves her children. Amen.

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