Lost Sheep

March 26, 2018

“So my people are wandering like lost sheep; they are attacked
because they have no shepherd.”
–  Zechariah 10:2


Tavion was lost. The high school junior was a good player, but certainly not a star player on our football team. He was well-liked and popular with his teammates. Tavion struggled at times as a student, but always seemed to buckle down and do just enough to get by. Unfortunately, a broken relationship with his girlfriend and tension at home with his parents, had led to a series of poor decisions. He was getting into trouble at school, his grades were dropping and his parents had all but given up on him. Tavion’s poor decisions were also affecting his team because he was missing practice and even if he was at practice, his head was somewhere else. As Tavion’s coaches, we sat in a cramped office to decide his fate—keep him or cut him loose. Everything pointed to removing him from the team. His actions were a distraction and who would blame us for getting rid of a “bad apple?” However, the more we talked, the more we realized Tavion needed his team more than his team needed him. We were one and we were going to do everything possible to shepherd him back into the flock. Tavion was worth saving!

God knows His sheep well and He knows that on occasion, we’re prone to wander off from the rest of the flock. Off we go, heads down chasing greener grass. It may be a desire to become financially stable or we could be searching for  that “dream job”. How often do we let ourselves become so focused on what we want, that we wander away from the things that God wants for us? We make poor choices and risk all that He has given us looking for something better. Why doesn’t God just let His lost sheep go? It sure would be easier and after all, most of His sheep stay in the flock anyway. Thankfully, God never gives up on us—all of His sheep are important. What a reminder as God shepherds me and I shepherd those with whom He has entrusted me.

The Lord is my Shepherd, I will want for nothing. Keep me safely in Your flock today and take away my desire to wander. Amen.

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