No Regrets

October 17, 2022

“So then, each of us will give an account of himself to God.” – Romans 14:12 (ESV)


As Jason stood in my office, I was caught off guard by his body language. Usually a high energy guy, he was listless. Never at a loss for words, Jason was quiet. The look on his face told me he was struggling. Though a gifted athlete and a great kid, Jason had never quite reached his full potential. As his coach, I had encouraged him and even pushed him to give his best on and off the field with marginal success. With so much natural talent, Jason often coasted through workouts and it was routine for him to avoid the weight room during the off season. In the classroom, he was a “C” student, but his teachers always said he was capable of so much more. Missed assignments and unnecessary absences were not unusual. In the final semester of his senior year, Jason was now facing a hard reality. He could have accomplished so much more. Maybe he could have earned a college scholarship. Maybe he could have attended the state university rather than having to settle for the local community college. Jason had come into my office looking regret square in the eyes, hoping his coach could change the inevitable. I could do nothing! There was no going back to retrieve the lost opportunities.

God tells us that every one of us will stand before Him one day. I have often contemplated what that conversation will be like. Scripture says we have been given specific gifts and God has unique plans for those gifts. Some are blessed with athletic skills, while others have the ability to paint beautiful pictures. There are talented speakers and wonderful communicators. God has filled the world with amazing musicians, engineers and coaches. What will we say when we meet God face to face? Will we have regrets? Will we come to realize that we could have served God in so many more ways had we not settled for average? Would the lives of others have been different had we not missed assignments or neglected the opportunities God put in our path? We do not want to be like Jason when it is our turn to stand before God. Dedicate yourself to Him, start walking and He will direct your steps.

Heavenly Father, thank You for the gifts You have given me. Help me to use them today and every day for Your glory. Amen.

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