Lighten Up!

October 10, 2022

“A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.”
– Proverbs 17:22 (ESV)

The situation wasn’t good. My 10-year-old pitcher was struggling to find the plate. He had walked the bases loaded and the look on his face indicated that his confidence was gone. As I slowly approached the mound, I truly didn’t know what to say. It didn’t seem to be the best time for instruction or to give an inspiring pep talk. I put my hands on his shoulders and looked him square in the eyes. What came out of my mouth even surprised me. “What kind of ice crèam are you going to get after the game?” He gave me that what in the world are you talking about look and then we burst out laughing. I’m pretty sure most of the parents in the stands didn’t see anything funny about the predicament we were in, but it didn’t matter. He settled down and we got out of the inning giving up only a couple of runs. Smiles and laughter filled the dugout confirming that the right approach had been taken.

All too often we get locked into our own agenda and leave little room for God. My experience is that He will usually find a way to get our attention. Often that comes in the form of an unexpected situation that forces us to lighten up a little. Instead of trying to fit the day into our own preconceived mold, we are freed up to enjoy God and His plans for us. His plans always seem to be better than mine anyway. The lesson in this is to lighten up, don’t take yourself so seriously. Take some time to laugh at yourself. Take some time to laugh with God. The more difficult the day, the more God can and will help us. Don’t get trapped in your own thoughts. God will equip us to do everything that is in His perfect will. Change your focus and enjoy the peace that He gives.

Heavenly Father, help me to lighten up today. May I see the humor in life around me and enjoy those unexpected moments. Amen. 

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