
July 9, 2018

“I cannot relax or be still; I have no rest….”
– Job 3:26

Most coaches I know are not very good at relaxing or being still. Much of this comes from the competitive nature of the profession. We are driven to succeed and spend a great deal of time and energy searching for anything that might give us an edge. Grading the performance of athletes, pouring over scouting reports, off-season workouts, and exchanging ideas with other coaches are but a few of the tasks that consume a coach’s time. There is always something that we think we can do better. It’s critical that we learn how to be still. We must carve out some time for ourselves, our family and most importantly, our Lord. Turn off the computer, put your cell phone down for a few days and disconnect. Other people don’t need us near as much as we need the relief.

Charles Swindoll, in his book, Paul, A Man of Grace and Grit, makes the following suggestions:

Instead of speeding up, slow down and rethink. Take some time to find out what really matters. Each day is a gift from God. Are we spending our time wisely or are we just “busy?”

Instead of talking more, be quiet and reflect. Turn off the sports talk and ESPN. Read, think, do something that you’ve been putting off.

Instead of seeking a place of power, be still and release. Quit worrying about wins and losses and booster clubs for a little while. Spend some quality time thinking about Kingdom priorities.

Summer gives us a small window to be still and relax a little. Let’s make it a time to draw closer to our family, friends and especially our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Heavenly Father, You teach us that rest is important in our lives. Help me to slow it down and be still if only for a short time. Amen.

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