Team Building

February 5, 2018

“As He was walking along the Sea of Galilee, He saw two brothers, Simon, who was called Peter, and his brother Andrew. They were casting a net into the sea, since they were fishermen. ‘Follow Me,’ He told them, ‘and I will make you fish for people!’ Immediately they left their nets and followed Him.”
– Matthew 4:18-20


What do coaches look for when putting a team together? Most will tell you that they want athletes who work hard and bring a positive attitude every day. Other desirable attributes include good character, toughness, enthusiasm, a desire to learn and commitment. Every team is unique with each person bringing a special ingredient to the recipe. As coaches our job is to take these individuals, get them on the team bus and in the right seats. We help them see that they’re each important to the team’s success even though everyone will not be a starter or play a major role. Teaching athletes to be selfless and team oriented is one of the greatest challenges coaches face today. Successful teams must be united.

Jesus knew all about putting a team together. He was not haphazard in his approach to selecting His disciples. First and foremost, he had a personal reputation that was impeccable. When He approached Simon Peter and his brother Andrew, they knew what kind of man He was. Jesus had been preaching in the area and was building a substantial following. When Jesus asked Peter and Andrew to follow Him, they were more than willing to go. Jesus was worthy of being followed. These fishermen were presented with a unique opportunity to “fish for men.” Jesus was raising the stakes and challenging these men to reach higher spiritually. Peter and Andrew put self-interest aside and joined the team. These men got on the bus, Jesus put them in the right seats and used them to radically change the world.

Heavenly Father, You are the Master Coach. What an opportunity it is to play for You. Give me wisdom and strength today as I mold my team to reach higher. Amen.

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