Team Meeting

September 18, 2023

“Woe to you experts of the law! You have taken away the key to knowledge! You didn’t go in yourselves, and you hindered those who were going in.”
– Luke 11:52

We all know about the team meeting. When things aren’t going well, the coach gathers his or her players together in the locker room for a one-sided discussion on what they have been doing wrong. I don’t know anyone who enjoys these sessions, and as coaches, we must be careful not to have them too often. When used properly however, team meetings can help clear the air and shift the team’s focus to things that are truly important. Jesus called a team meeting with the Pharisees after observing their inconsistent actions. He let them know their outward appearance didn’t match their heart. Jesus told them they were morally corrupt and created a burden on the people with all their laws. How’s that for a tongue lashing?

It’s easy for our lives to mirror the Pharisees. If Jesus were to have a team meeting with you today, what do you think He would talk about? Are your actions consistent with your talk? Are you honest with yourself and with God or are you just trying to put up a good front? We need to search our hearts daily. We need to find everything that doesn’t belong there, confess it, and ask God for forgiveness. Slowly, we can remove the junk that fills our hearts and begin to focus on the things that are truly important.

Heavenly Father, help me to remove the junk from my life today. Replace it with things that matter for Your Kingdom and for eternity. In Jesus name, Amen.

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