The Face

December 11, 2017

“But He answered, ‘You cannot see My face,
for no one can see Me and live.’”
– Exodus 33:20

We often associate great teams with great coaches or athletes. These individuals become the face of the team. If you say UCLA men’s basketball, the first name that comes to mind is John Wooden. If you say Tennessee women’s basketball, it’s Pat Summit. Alabama football means Bear Bryant or Nick Saban. The New York Yankees could mean Babe Ruth, Mickey Mantle or Derek Jeter, depending on the era being discussed. Everyone knows Tom Brady and the New England Patriots are one and the same. Being the face of the team usually means the coach or athlete is highly respected and admired by those on the team as well as those on the outside. The face of the team is a steadying influence in the good times and the bad.

The Bible says that no human has literally seen God. It goes on to say that God is a form of life that is invisible to the human eye. It’s impossible for us to fully comprehend how much God loves us. Because of His great love, God wants to have a relationship with us, yet it’s pretty hard to fully appreciate someone if we don’t know what they look like. God’s solution to this problem was to send His Son Jesus Christ to live just as we live. Jesus experienced the highs and lows of this world. He laughed, cried, bled and died just as we must do. Above all else, Jesus modeled God’s love for us. He literally became the face of God. If you wonder what God looks like, look at the face of Jesus. He is our steadying influence in the good times and the bad.

Heavenly Father, thank You for giving us a glimpse of Your love through the face of Your Son Jesus Christ. May others see Christ in me today as I serve You. Amen.

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