What Does God Think Of You?

May 4, 2020

“Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved…..”
– Colossians 3:12
I had just accepted the job as head football coach for a school that had never fielded a team. Needless to say, I was seriously looking for bodies! When I first saw James, it was like a miner seeing gold at the bottom of his pan. He was 6’ 4”, weighed in the neighborhood of 250 pounds, and could walk and carry on a conversation at the same time. I loved what I saw in James and I wanted him on the team. My next assignment was to meet James and spend some time getting to know him. Through that conversation I wanted James to know that I believed he could be a valuable part of our team if he would commit to coming out. In my mind, James had all the tools to be a good player. Well, James never suited up or played a down. While I thought James had potential, he either lacked confidence or simply didn’t want to play. What I saw in James, James didn’t see in himself.

Have you ever wondered what God thinks about you? First, it’s important to know that at some point in time, God looked out and saw you. With that very first glance, He immediately said, “I want you.” God literally chose you for Himself. Secondly, God thinks so highly of you that He allowed His Son to die on the cross for your shortcomings or sin. His desire for us is to step away from those shortcomings and begin the process of turning our lives over to Jesus. Like my offer to James, God invites us to be part of His Team. And also like James, we each must make our own decision about joining God’s Team. We can decide to suit up, walk away or put the decision off until later. Lastly, we must know that God has loved us in the past, He still loves us in the present, and He will love us in the future. His love is unfailing. However, it’s also important to know that the season started without James. Time will also run out for those who delay the decision of following Jesus. Don’t put it off, we are not promised tomorrow. See in yourself what God sees in you. Join His Team and commit to giving Him 100%.

Heavenly Father, thank You for choosing me. May I see in myself what You see in me today and every day. Amen.

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