What is a Coach?

February 3, 2014

I will show you what it’s like when someone comes to me, listens to my teaching, and then follows it.
– Luke 6:47 (New Living Translation)


What exactly is a coach? Are we mentors, teachers, tutors, instructors, or trainers? An honest answer would be that we’re a little of all these things. Coaches wear a lot of hats and have unending responsibilities. Some scholars say it wasn’t until the late-1900’s that the word coach was given an athletic meaning. The people who tutored Cambridge students in the art of rowing were called coaches. In the 16th century however, the word coach was used to describe a horse-driven vehicle that would get people from where they were to where they wanted to be. I like that definition, because that’s exactly what coaches do. We take our athletes from where they are to where they want to be. They come to us with different, personalities, skills and talent, but when they leave us, we want them to be better athletes and better people.

Pride often convinces us we don’t need a coach. We can get from where we are to where we want to be all by ourselves, thank you. For coaches and athletes, that trap can take us down some dark roads and off some slippery slopes. When we allow Jesus to be our coach and follow his teachings, we are on a solid foundation. When the storms of life come, and they will, we can stand confident and strong. Trying to weather the storms in our own strength is a recipe for disaster. With no foundation, our lives will collapse under the strain and be washed away. Where do you want to go? Let Jesus help you get there, he’s the best coach of all-time.

Lord Jesus, thank You for Your promises which give me comfort and peace. Remove my pride and teach me to depend on You. Coach me up and keep me on Your firm foundation. Amen.

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